Apps we use in English

 Smile and Learn

We use this great app in different subjects, but also in English. Especially in the first grades of primary school and in early infant education.


This tool replaces the textbook (in English) in our school.
We use it at the third to sixth grade levels.
In three subjects: Mathematics, Spanish Language and English.
It is a great tool that adapts to the progress of the students and proposes new exercises depending on their level. 



Enlish Central

The English Central English learning platform is a powerful tool for learning the language in a fun way. It stands out for its ability to instantly assess the pronunciation of users, in addition to many other virtues.

English Central collaborates in our project in a selfless way and gives us free licenses for all our students.
We convey our great gratitude from here.


Duolingo is an app for learning any language. In our English class we use Duolingo for schools.
It is a great tool with varied exercises to learn in a fun and comfortable way. 


Ewa is a fantastic and fun app that works English in a fun way through video snippets from both well-known series and movies.




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